Cara Buat Appetizing Choco banana muffin

Enak, Lezat, Murah, Sehat

Choco banana muffin. Try our perfect banana choco chip muffins! Absolutely healthy, go-to snacks with the right balance of We love to have the choco banana muffins for breakfast and for snacking throughout the day. These banana muffins are so easy!

Choco banana muffin I have looked at dozens of recipes and most had too. The Choco-banana Muffins recipe out of our category muffin! Chocolate-Filled Banana Muffins. featured in Cupcakes or Muffins? You can cook Choco banana muffin using 9 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Choco banana muffin

  1. It's 4 buah of Pisang cavendish/ ambon/ apa aja yg matang (over ripen).
  2. It's 200 g of Gula castor (butiran halus).
  3. You need 120 g of Margarine/butter.
  4. It's 4 butir of Telur.
  5. It's 300 g of Tepung terigu.
  6. It's 4 sdm of Coklat bubuk.
  7. It's 1/2 sdt of Baking powder.
  8. It's 1/2 sdt of Baking soda.
  9. You need Secukupnya of keju/almond/apa aja untuk topping.

Fill the muffins with the chocolate ganache. Banana Muffins are a muffin version of this Banana Bread. They start with a thick sweet batter that is full of mashed bananas and choco chips. I think of muffins as a treaty weekend breakfast, but these look so darkly elegant, especially in their matching dark-brown, tulip-skirted party frocks, that they positively beg to be brought out with coffee.

Choco banana muffin instructions

  1. Lumatkan pisang menggunakan garpu (sebaiknya tidak menggunakan blender biar lebih terasa teksturnya).
  2. Lelehkan margarine/butter (jika pakai microwave ckp 3 menit).
  3. Mix Margarine/butter leleh dgn lumatan pisang.
  4. Di wadah lain, kocok telur dan gula menggunakan baloon whisk sampai gula larut (boleh jg menggunakan mixer).
  5. Mix adonan pisang dan adonan telur, tambahkan tepung terigu, coklat bubuk, baking powder, dan baking soda. Aduk hingga tercampur rata.
  6. Tuang adonan ke cetakan muffin yg telah dialasi cup kertas.
  7. Panaskan oven suhu 175 derajat celcius. Oven adonan muffin selama kurleb 30 menit, cek tusuk..
  8. Sajikan muffin hangat teman minum teh bersama keluarga tercinta.

These muffins are tender and moist, dotted with chocolate chunks and banana for a delicious and sweet way to get your morning started on the right foot. My toddler and I have been baking with bananas like crazy that last Making these chocolate banana muffins with cocoa powder AND chocolate chips is what makes. Chocolate Banana Muffins-these rich and fudgy chocolate banana muffins are vegan, but you will never know it! They are healthy enough for breakfast, but good enough for dessert! These fudgy paleo chocolate banana muffins are super rich and decadent!