Cara Siapkan Lezat Banana, Apple dates smoothies

Enak, Lezat, Murah, Sehat

Banana, Apple dates smoothies.

Banana, Apple dates smoothies You can have Banana, Apple dates smoothies using 8 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Banana, Apple dates smoothies

  1. It's of Bahan :.
  2. Prepare 2 buah of pisang Ambon,sy pk cavendish Krn biar ada asam2ny gt.
  3. Prepare of I buah apel fuji.
  4. It's 5 butir of kurma.
  5. It's 3 SDM of oatmeal quacker.
  6. You need 1 bngks of skm.
  7. You need Secukupnya of es batu.
  8. It's 100 ml of air.

Banana, Apple dates smoothies step by step

  1. Siapkan bahan.
  2. Kupas apel,pisang,potong potong teh di blender atau Chopper,,,,lalu masukan kurma,buang bagian bijiny..
  3. Masukan es batu, quacker Oat,SKM,air,,,,lalu blender hingga halus,,, koreksi rasa,,,sajikan segera..