Cara termudah Siapkan Appetizing Banana Milo Mousse

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Banana Milo Mousse. Pada faktanya, nutrisi tersebut oleh disebut sebagai zat yang bermanfaat dalam menekan pertumbuhan sel kanker payudara, bahkan anti. I really enjoy this "Banana Milkshake." I make it all the time with coconut milk and water (instead of dairy milk) since I am dairy intolerant. I like a dash of cinnamon or nutmeg in mine.

Banana Milo Mousse The Best Milo Desserts Recipes on Yummly Milo Slice And Milo Icecream - Two Australia Day Dessert Recipes, Strawberry Cheesecake Pretzel Dessert, Banana-apricot Dessert Crepes The Best Banana Dessert Condensed Milk Recipes on Yummly Condensed Milk Mousse, Condensed Milk Biscuits, Almond Pie With Condensed Milk. You can cook Banana Milo Mousse using 7 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Banana Milo Mousse

  1. You need 1 buah of pisang cavendish, berat kurleb 150 gram.
  2. It's 1 sachet of milo bubuk @ 35 gram, sisakan 1 sdm utk taburan.
  3. It's 100 ml of susu cair, 30ml utk campuran milo.
  4. You need 1 butir of telur.
  5. Prepare 1 sdm of tepung maizena.
  6. It's 1 sdm of oatmeal.
  7. Prepare 1 sdm of kismis, topping bisa diganti suka2 yaa.

Banana and Oreo Mousse/Ice Cream Receitas Da Felicidade! bananas, condensed milk. The Milo recipe was contributed by Malaysian radio DJ Danny Koo, and depicts a Milo version of the gooey molten lava dessert. Add milo and cocoa powder and whip for a further minute until an even colour is achieved. Fill piping bag with mousse mixture and pipe into glasses or bowls.

Banana Milo Mousse instructions

  1. Kupas pisang, iris tipis-tipis. Pisang bisa diganti jenisnya yaa.. sesuaikan aja sama selera atau yg ada di dapur 😅.
  2. Campur 30ml susu cair dengan milo bubuk, aduk hingga tercampur rata. Sisihkan..
  3. Campur sisa susu cair dengan telur, tepung maizena dan oatmeal. Aduk-aduk hingga tercampur rata..
  4. Rebus dengan api kecil dan terus diaduk-aduk hingga mendidih dan mengental. Matikan api..
  5. Masukkan milo yang sudah dicairkan, aduk-aduk hingga semuanya tercampur rata. Tunggu hingga uap panasnya hilang..
  6. Siapkan wadah saji (saya pakai gelas). Tata pisang lalu beri adonan mousse diatasnya. Ulangi hingga pisang dan adonan mousse habis. Beri topping irisan pisang dan kismis atau suka2 😁 Masukkan kulkas dan biarkan beku atau set..
  7. Banana Milo Mousse dingin dengan taburan milo.. nyam.. nyamm 😍😘.

This is an optional step but I believe it gives a more professional finish. Banana milo smoothie is the best recipe for foodies. If it is the favorite recipe of your favorite restaurants then you can also make banana milo smoothie at your home. Banana milo smoothie may come into the following tags or occasion in which you are looking to create your recipe. See more ideas about Milo recipe, Food, Baking.