Resep: Lezat Banana crispy

Enak, Lezat, Murah, Sehat

Banana crispy. A diffrent kind of fruit crisp. It works equally well with slightly underripe or fully ripe bananas (just not mushy ones!). Serve with either whipped cream or ice cream (try coconut).

Banana crispy We love this banana cobbler as a dessert with ice cream or whipped cream on top and we like it with coffee in the mornings. Either way, it is a crunchy delight. If you like bananas, you just might like banana chips. You can have Banana crispy using 6 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Banana crispy

  1. It's 1 sisir of pisang uli.
  2. You need secukupnya of Tepung panir.
  3. You need secukupnya of Tepung terigu.
  4. You need secukupnya of Keju.
  5. You need secukupnya of Coklat glaze.
  6. It's of Minyak untuk menggoreng.

They are sweet and crunchy, and perfect for snacking on. This wikiHow will show you several ways of making them. Drizzle the butter mixture over the bananas in each ramekin. Close the oven and let them bake to desired crispness.

Banana crispy step by step

  1. Kupas pisang sisihkan.
  2. Encerkan terigu untuk adonan basah,encer aj ya.
  3. Masukkan pisang yang sudah dikupas kedalam adonan terigu,setelah itu gulingkan ke tepung panir,setelah merata belah pisang bagian tengahnya ya,tp jangn sampai putus cukup belah tengahnya saja,tutup lagi dengan tepung panir.
  4. Masukkan kedalam kulkas selama kurang lebih 1 jam lebih juga g papa,supaya tepung panir meresap.
  5. Goreng pisang sampai kuning keemasan,angkat tiriskan,selagi hangat kasih coklat(kl g ada coklat glaze pake susu coklat juga bisa)terakhr taburi dengan keju parut,banana crispy siap dinikmati.

The longer the baking time the crispier the bananas will be. When dry, remove them and let them cool. Store them in an airtight container. These banana chips or wedges can be preserved for several months. Pan-fried cinnamon bananas are the answer to all of life's questions. (Or at least the ones you have in the kitchen.) All you need is cinnamon, sugar, and ten minutes.