Cara termudah Buat Sempurna Burger banana cake

Enak, Lezat, Murah, Sehat

Burger banana cake. Andi: Yeah, I'd like some banana cake. Café worker: OK, so that's one double cheese burger, one banana cake and an apple juice. It was the moistest cake I've ever eaten.

Burger banana cake Café worker: A cheese burger or double cheese burger? Andi: Yeah, I'd like some banana cake. Hands down the BEST Banana Cake recipe! You can have Burger banana cake using 14 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Burger banana cake

  1. Prepare 3 butir of telur.
  2. Prepare 1 butir of kuning telur.
  3. Prepare 3 sdm of gulahalus.
  4. You need 4 Sdm of tepung terigu.
  5. Prepare 1 sdm of maizena.
  6. You need 1 sdm of susu bubuk.
  7. You need 4 Sdm of Margarine (lelehkan).
  8. You need 1 sdt of pasta vanila.
  9. Prepare of Pewarna hijau dan kuning (sesuai selera).
  10. Prepare 1 sdt of SP.
  11. Prepare 2 buah of pisang (kepok/raja).
  12. You need of Coklat series untuk taburan.
  13. It's of Keju parut untuk taburan.
  14. It's of Buttercream (saya ada sisa dikulkas) bisa di skip.

Ripe bananas are made into the most perfect moist banana cake. We top this recipe with a simply amazing homemade cream cheese frosting. Banana cake recipe - Delicious, soft & moist banana cake recipe with video. Banana cake recipe with video & step by step photos - One of our family favorite cake, that is made repeatedly for many.

Burger banana cake instructions

  1. Panaskan oven.
  2. Mixer Gula,telur dan SP sampai putih mengembang kira2 10 menit.
  3. Masukan tepung terigu, maizena yang sudah diayak aduk rata memakai spatula lalu masukan margarine leleh aduk kembali beri pasta vanila aduk rata. Lalu adonan bagi menjadi 2 beri pewarna hijau dan kuning. Bila tidak suka skip aja pewarnanya..
  4. Masukan adonan kedalam loyang lalu panggang selama 20 menit oiya loyangnya jangan lupa diolesi Margarine lalu beri kertas roti agar tidak lengket.
  5. Pisang belah menjadi 2 bagian lalu bakar di teflon dengan sedikit Margarine angkat dan sisihkan.
  6. Setelah cake matang angkat diamkan sebentar lalu cetak bulat2 saya memakai cetakan gelas kecil.
  7. Tata dalam cup cake tadi yang sudah di cetak bulat2, beri potongan pisang yang tadi sudah dipotong dua,potong kembali bagiannya menjadi 4 potong tata diatas cake lalu beri Buttercream dan taburi coklat Ceres dan keju parut tutup kembali dengan potongan cake lagi. Lakukan terus seperti itu sampai habis dan siap untuk di sajikan🤗..

Banana Cookies are amazing but have you ever tried Banana Cake? If no! the its a high time to try one. Join us in this Free Online Cooking Game and get the recipes and steps to follow for making a. SHORTENING - Crisco has altered their shortening to remove trans fat. Classic Banana Bundt Cake is truly the best banana cake, and it's topped with cream cheese frosting.