Resep: Lezat Banana light Sponge cake

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Banana light Sponge cake. Banana Sponge Cake a light, airy and spongy cake. I had some over-riped bananas so thought of making a sponge cake with them. Love making sponge cakes and make them quite often.

Banana light Sponge cake Don't be thrown by the word "cake" — while this banana sponge cake would make a great dessert, it's This is normal and will not affect the texture — they will still be light, moist, and fluffy. This is the most easy and quick banana sponge cake that I've baked every time when there are some overly ripe bananas at home. It is really moist and super light soft that my family enjoyed eating and can polished off the cake within two days. You can cook Banana light Sponge cake using 10 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Banana light Sponge cake

  1. It's 2 bh of pisang ambon ukuran besar.
  2. It's of Bahan I :.
  3. It's 100 gr of butter.
  4. It's 150 gr of terigu protein sedang.
  5. It's 1/2 sdt of baking soda.
  6. You need 1 sachet of susu bubuk.
  7. You need 5 of kuning telur.
  8. Prepare of Bahan ll :.
  9. It's 100 gr of gula halus.
  10. Prepare 12 gr of tepung maizena (1,5sdm).

How to make a sponge cake. It's easy and you can make hundreds of different cakes with this base. When no streaks of flour remain in the dough, fold a few extra times to ensure you aren't missing pockets of flour at the bottom. Sponge cakes are deliciously light and make a perfect treat to serve with afternoon coffee or tea.

Banana light Sponge cake instructions

  1. Hancurkan pisang dengan menggunakan garpu.
  2. Lelehkan butter, tambahkan terigu yg sudah dicampur dengan baking soda, aduk rata kemudian salin ke wadah pisang yg sudah diancurkan tadi tambahkan susu bubuk aduk lagi hungga tercampur. Tambahkan kuning telur, aduk higga tercampur rata..
  3. Campur gula halus dan tepung maizena lalu sisihkan. Kocok putih telur hingga berbusa (foamy) kemudian tambahkan campuran gula halus dan maizena tadi mix hingga soft peak, jika pengocoknya diangkat akan terbentuk ujung yg runcing..
  4. Tuang adonan kedalam loyang tulban ukuran 22cm. Saya panggang dalan panci presto dengan api sedang cenderung kecil selama -/+ 50 mnt..

Not only is this banana walnut sponge cake recipe butter and oil-free, but it is also Passover-friendly. While most sponge cakes call for baking flour and some leavening agent like baking soda, baking. Baking Mom: Light Banana Sponge Cake. I was wonder struck at the the texture. The banana has actually given The banana has actually given that spongy texture.