Cara Masak Appetizing Chocolate Roasted Banana Sauce (pisang bakar coklat)

Enak, Lezat, Murah, Sehat

Chocolate Roasted Banana Sauce (pisang bakar coklat).

Chocolate Roasted Banana Sauce (pisang bakar coklat) You can have Chocolate Roasted Banana Sauce (pisang bakar coklat) using 8 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Chocolate Roasted Banana Sauce (pisang bakar coklat)

  1. You need 2 buah of pisang ambon.
  2. Prepare 1 sdm of butter margarin, bisa pakai margarin biasa.
  3. It's secukupnya of coklat batang.
  4. Prepare of tambahan.
  5. You need buah of cerry.
  6. You need of ice cream strawberry.
  7. Prepare buah of pepaya.
  8. Prepare buah of melon.

Chocolate Roasted Banana Sauce (pisang bakar coklat) step by step

  1. Kupas kulit pisang, potong sesuai selera..
  2. Lelehkan sedikit buter margarin diatas teflon..
  3. Bakar pisang hingga kedua sisinya matang. lalu angkat tiriskan..
  4. Tim coklat batang, potong tipis-tipis supaya cepat meleleh..
  5. Tata pisang di atas piring saji. sajikan selagi hangat. enjoy it. 🍌.