Resep: Lezat Banana Pancake🥞

Enak, Lezat, Murah, Sehat

Banana Pancake🥞. They're not as delicious as when they're fresh, but they make a nice snack. Larger crêpe-like pancakes: Blend the bananas and eggs in a blender until perfectly smooth. Crowd pleasing banana pancakes made from scratch.

Banana Pancake🥞 Whole Wheat, Oatmeal and Banana Pancakes Heat a skillet over medium heat and add some oil. The pancakes turned out perfectly delicious with a crisp yet tender banana taste to complement the traditional pancake savour. Garnish your pancakes with your favorite toppings! You can have Banana Pancake🥞 using 8 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Banana Pancake🥞

  1. Prepare 1 buah of pisang matang.
  2. Prepare 12 sdm of tepung terigu pro sedang/tinggi.
  3. It's 1 buah of telur.
  4. It's 2 sdm of susu bubuk putih.
  5. It's 3 sdm of gula pasir.
  6. It's 1 sdt of baking powder.
  7. Prepare 1/4 sdt of garam.
  8. Prepare 150 ml of air biasa (bisa ditambah menyesuaikan kekentalan adonan).

Repeat with the remaining batter, keeping the pancakes warm in a low oven. Stack the pancakes on plates and top with the banana slices, a glug of sticky maple syrup and a handful of pecan nuts, if you like. The pancakes are light, fluffy, and remind me of banana bread. The pancakes are made with buttermilk and mashed bananas, giving the pancakes great banana flavor.

Banana Pancake🥞 step by step

  1. Hancurkan pisang dengan garpu. Lalu masukan 1 butir telur.. Kocok merata.
  2. Selanjutnya masukan bahan bahan lainnya.. Aduk hingga semua bahan tercampur. Bila adonan dirasa terlalu kental bisa ditambahkan air, yang penting adonan bisa dituang dg sendok ke teflon..
  3. Ambil adonan dengan sendok sayur.Masak diatas teflon (tanpa diolesi margarin). Balik sekali. Lakukan berulang hingga adonan habis..
  4. Pancake pisang siap disajikan dengan aneka toping. Bisa pakai Susu kental manis/madu/esk cream/meses/buah dll.

The pancakes will remind you of banana bread and that is a very good thing! We also like to top the pancakes with banana slices and of course maple syrup. Hands down THE best Vegan Banana Pancakes. They are soft, fluffy, super delicious and so simple to make, from scratch, in a blender. This is an essential, keep handy in your back pocket, recipe that everyone needs for an easy, yet decadent breakfast!