Cara termudah Masak Lezat Banana Sponge Cake Moist

Enak, Lezat, Murah, Sehat

Banana Sponge Cake Moist. This is the best and moist banana cake from scratch. Fail-proof, light, fluffy and you can make at home! It's loaded with bananas, so moist, sweet, soft and absolutely delicious.

Banana Sponge Cake Moist More Cake recipes Banana bread recipe Best chocolate cake Chocolate sponge cake Chocolate banana cake Eggless chocolate. This is the most easy and quick banana sponge cake that I've baked every time when there are some overly ripe bananas at home. It is really moist and super light soft that my family enjoyed eating and can polished off the cake within two days. You can cook Banana Sponge Cake Moist using 12 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Banana Sponge Cake Moist

  1. It's 250 gr of pisang matang (sy, pisang raja).
  2. You need 25 ml of susu cair.
  3. You need 100 gr of margarin/mentega, cairkan.
  4. Prepare 2 butir of telur.
  5. It's 60 gr of gula pasir (kalau suka manis lebihkan).
  6. It's 150 gr of tepung terigu.
  7. It's 15 gr of maizena.
  8. You need 1/4 sdt of baking powder (sy, bpda).
  9. It's 1/4 sdt of baking soda.
  10. You need 1/2 sdt of kayu manis bubuk.
  11. You need 1/2 sdt of vanili bubuk.
  12. Prepare Sedikit of garam.

Banana Sponge Cake recipe is a light, airy and spongy cake. This banana sponge cake is more of an Asian sponge, meaning you can expect it to be very moist and soft with a fine and tender crumb. The ultra moistness of these banana sponge cakes comes primarily from using healthy plant-based oils in the cake batter, instead of butter. Banana cake recipe that yields a bakery style delicious, soft, moist and fluffy cake.

Banana Sponge Cake Moist instructions

  1. Lumatkan pisang, tuang susu cair, aduk rata, sisihkan. Sy lumatkan pake garpu.
  2. Kocok telur, gula dan sedikit garam sampai kental berjejak. Harus benar2 kental yaa.
  3. Masukkan pisang yg sudah dilumatkan, aduk menggunakan spatula.
  4. Tambahkan tepung terigu, baking soda, baking powder, vanili bubuk, kayu manis bubuk, yg sudah diayak jadi satu. Aduk rata menggunakan spatula.
  5. Masukkan margarin/mentega yg sudah dicairkan, aduk balik sampai rata. Pastikan jgn ada mentega yg mengendap di dasar wadah ya.
  6. Tuang ke dalam loyang yg sudah dialasi baking paper dan dioles margarin. Sy pakai loyang brownies ukuran 20x10x4cm. Atau pakai loyang tulban diameter 18cm yg dioles margarin dan ditabur tepung. Sy panggang di suhu 150dercel selama 15menit, lalu turunkan suhu jd 130dercel, panggang kira2 20menit. Tes tusuk untuk memastikan sudah matang. Suhu sesuaikan oven masing2 yaa.

Find detailed recipe on the blog here. Banana Sponge Cake - Bring a bit of Brazil to your home with this classic banana sponge cake recipe. Don't be thrown by the word "cake" — while this banana sponge cake would make a great dessert, it's also the perfect item to start your day off right. Moist Banana Cake - ridiculously moist, fluffy and full of wonderful flavors. Super easy, stick-to-the-back of your fork moist and sweet but not overpowering!