Cara termudah Siapkan Appetizing Banana Nugget Choco Melt

Enak, Lezat, Murah, Sehat

Banana Nugget Choco Melt. Replace peel flap and wrap banana with foil. Let the flames die down before adding banana packets directly to fire. Use tongs to remove from fire.

Banana Nugget Choco Melt Crunchy on the outside but soft inside and poured over with melted flavoured white chocolate makes it even more delicious! You can make the sauce according to your preference but our favorite is chocolate, green tea/matcha and cookie & cream. DAPUR MAMAH AKA "Banana~Nugget" - Gn. You can have Banana Nugget Choco Melt using 9 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Banana Nugget Choco Melt

  1. You need 15 sdm of tepung terigu.
  2. You need 4-5 buah of Pisang.
  3. You need 1 sachet of skm.
  4. You need 1 sdm of susu bubuk.
  5. Prepare 2 sdt of vanili.
  6. Prepare 3 butir of telur.
  7. Prepare secukupnya of Parutan keju.
  8. It's secukupnya of Tepung Panir/tepung roti.
  9. You need secukupnya of Coklat dcc.

Green Tea Keju + Meises + Cokelat Parut + Choco Chip. Strawberry Keju + Meises + Choco Chip. Vanilla Milk Keju + Choco Chip + Meises + Cokelat Parut. We're always working to get the most accurate information.

Banana Nugget Choco Melt step by step

  1. Campurkan pisang, tepung terigu, 2 butir telur, susu skm, susu bubuk, dan parutan keju ke dalam blender atau bisa juga dengan tangan saja..
  2. Campurkan hingga merata semua.
  3. Lalu stim sekitar 15-20 menit, ditutupnya miring saja agar tidak overcook.
  4. Lalu potong-potong sesuai selera.
  5. Siapkan bahan bahan untuk lapisan luar nugget, seperti tepung panir, telur, dan juga tepung terigu secukupnya.
  6. Pertama-tama, balurkan nugget ke dalam tepung dahulu (agar renyah dan gurih) kemudian ke dalam telur, lalu ke tepung panir..
  7. Goreng nugget dengan api kecil, lalu tiriskan.
  8. Selagi masih panas, parut coklat dcc atau coklat apapun juga bisa.. parut di atas nugget panas lalu tutup rapat. Diamkan hingga 1-2 menit nanti coklat akan meleleh dengan sendirinya...
  9. Siap dihidangkan!.

Raw Banana Nuggets is a delicious and easy snack recipe made with green bananas. Raw banana is used to make interesting and mouth-watering dishes. For making this crunchy Indian snack recipe I have given the nugget recipe a cheesy twist. How to Make Banana Breakfast Nuggets. Treat your kids to a nutritious breakfast by giving them fruit, protein, and grains - all in one dish!