Resep: Appetizing Banana Roll's (BaRoll's)

Enak, Lezat, Murah, Sehat

Banana Roll's (BaRoll's). Banana roll or banana cake is a common Chinese pastry found in Hong Kong, and may occasionally be found in some overseas Chinatowns. The pastry is soft and made with glutinous rice. Ingredients may vary depending on location.

Banana Roll's (BaRoll's) Home recipes > Main Ingredients > Fruits, Vegetables and Other Produce > Banana Roll with Carefully peel off parchment paper. Starting with the short side, roll up cake as tightly as possible. The banana roll is a roller coaster element that inverts riders either once or twice. You can cook Banana Roll's (BaRoll's) using 8 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Banana Roll's (BaRoll's)

  1. It's 10-15 lembar of Roti tawar (pipihkan).
  2. Prepare 4 buah of Pisang kepok/pisang sepatu (bisa jenis pisang lain).
  3. You need 3 sdm of SKM putih (manis sesuai selera).
  4. Prepare 1 sachet of Chocolatos green tea (pilihan).
  5. Prepare of Keju (seadanya/pilihan).
  6. You need 1-2 butir of Telur (kocok lepas).
  7. It's Secukupnya of Tepung roti.
  8. It's of Minyak untuk menggoreng.

It is similar to a cobra roll but the track does not level out near the top of the inversion. It is also similar to an inverted top hat. Three roller coasters have a banana roll. See more ideas about Banana spring rolls, Spring rolls, Asian desserts.

Banana Roll's (BaRoll's) step by step

  1. Sediakan alat & bahan, kupas pisang & hancurkan menggunakan garpu..
  2. Setelah semua hancur, ambahkan SKM, keju parut, & chocolatos green tea. Sya tambah 2buah pisang utk chocolatos coklat & SKM coklat, kebetulan ada. Jadi dua varian 😁 Campur rata, sisihkan..
  3. Pipihkan roti tawar dgn rolling pin atau alat seadanya (sya : botol sirup abc 😁). Setelah itu, letakkan adonan pisang di roti tawar, lalu gulung. Lakukan sampai selesai, jika ada adonan sisa dapat disimpan dikulkas..
  4. Setelah selesai, celupkan roti ditelur yg sdh dikocok lepas, kemudian balur dgn tepung roti..
  5. Panaskan minyak goreng, goreng dgn api sedang cenderung kecil. Angkat jika sdh keemasan, tiriskan. Sajikan, selamat mencoba 😊🙏.

If there's ever a better way to eat bananas, this is it! Just the thought of bananas rolled in spring roll. After School Banana Roll-ups. featured in After-School Snack Ideas for the Week. Place banana along one edge of the tortilla, and roll up. Slice the roll into small pieces.