Cara termudah Buat Appetizing Banana Cream Pie with chocolate

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Banana Cream Pie with chocolate. Reviews for: Photos of Banana Cream Pie with Chocolate Lining. The bittersweet chocolate/heavy cream mixture was not enough so I had to double it. My husband loves banana cream pie, and I like chocolate, so I combined the two.

Banana Cream Pie with chocolate Garnish with whipped cream and chocolate shavings if desired. I don't really share pie recipes. Something I myself am far from. You can have Banana Cream Pie with chocolate using 14 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Banana Cream Pie with chocolate

  1. It's 475 ml of susu full cream.
  2. You need 120 gr of gula.
  3. Prepare 50 gr of tepung.
  4. It's 2 butir of kuning telur.
  5. You need 1/2 sdt of vanilla.
  6. You need 1/4 sdt of garam.
  7. You need 1 1/2 sdm of mentega.
  8. You need 2 buah of pisang.
  9. You need 250 ml of whip cream.
  10. You need of Pie crust.
  11. You need 50 gr of coklat.
  12. Prepare 50 ml of susu.
  13. Prepare 150 gr of mentega.
  14. You need 150 gr of regal.

And the reward will be digging into this Chocolate Banana Cream Pie when it's all over. Arrange in overlapping circles atop pie. Alternatively, cover bananas with whipped cream, sprinkle with chocolate sprinkles, and garnish with additional banana slices. Top with remaining prepared instant chocolate pudding and remaining bananas.

Banana Cream Pie with chocolate instructions

  1. Masukan gula dan tepung ke dalam panci. Nyalakan api sedang. Masukan susu sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk hingga mendidih dan mengental. Matikan api..
  2. Kocok lepas kuning telur. Masukan 1 sendok besar adonan pada langkah 2 ke dalam kuning telur sambil dikocok cepat agar telur tercampur rata. Masukan kembali beberapa sendok adonan ke dalam telur hingga suhu telur sama dengan suhu adonan..
  3. Nyalakan kembali api. Masukan telur pada langkah 2 ke dalam adonan pada langkah 1 sambil diaduk dgn cepat. Masukan vanilla, garam dan mentega. Aduk adonan selama 4-5menit hingga mengental dan berat. Matikan api..
  4. Buat pie crust. Haluskan regal. Panaskan mentega hingga cair. Campurkan keduanya. Tuang ke dalam loyang dan ratakan pada dasar dan pinggir loyang. Pastikan regal dan mentega menyatu dan crust tidak terlalu tipis maupun tebal (0,7cm)..
  5. Lelehkan coklat bersama 50ml susu. Tuang di atas crust. Masukan crust ke dalam kulkas selama 3 menit..
  6. Keluarkan crust dari kulkas. Tata potongan pisang di atas crust dan coklat. Tuang adonan pie pada langkah 3 hingga menutupi pisang. Diamkan dalam kulkas selama 1 jam..
  7. Kocok whip cream hingga kaku. Keluarkan pie pisang dari kulkas. Tuang whip cream di atas pie. Hias. Diamkan dalam kulkan minimal 4 jam. Hidangkan..

Cover the top with a giant swirl of whip cream from the spray can, starting at the center and working out. Shave a chocolate bar with a vegetable peeler and top pie with shavings. Traditionally banana cream pie has either a flaky buttery crust or a graham cracker crust. You guys know I'm all about switching it up, so I decided to go with a chocolate peanut crust. The pie starts with a simple chocolate cookie crumb crust, which then that gets filled with the BEST vanilla pudding.