Resep: Lezat Choco Banana Cookies

Enak, Lezat, Murah, Sehat

Choco Banana Cookies. These soft banana cookies have a cakelike texture and lots of flavor that everyone seem to love. It's one of the best banana cookie recipes I've found. —Vicki Raatz, Waterloo, Wisconsin. This recipe uses very ripe bananas, the ones which you would not want to eat.

Choco Banana Cookies Need a cookie for lunch boxes? Try a batch that stirs chocolate and banana with a time-saving cookie mix. If you like banana bread, you'll love these Banana Chocolate Chip Cookies. You can have Choco Banana Cookies using 13 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Choco Banana Cookies

  1. Prepare 200 gr of margarin boleh mix mentega.
  2. Prepare 75 gr of gula halus (saya 60 gr).
  3. You need 25 gr of gula palm.
  4. Prepare 100 gr of / 1 buah pisang ambon, dihaluskan.
  5. It's 1 butir of kuning telur.
  6. Prepare of Bahan B :.
  7. It's 250 gr of tepung terigu pro rendah.
  8. You need 20 gr of susu bubuk.
  9. It's 1 sdt of kayumanis bubuk.
  10. It's 1 sdt of baking powder.
  11. You need of Bahan C :.
  12. You need 50 gr of kacang tanah sangrai, cincang kasar.
  13. It's 25 gr of meises coklat.

They are a great way to use up overripe bananas and have a soft cake-like texture. This banana cookie recipe came from my grandmother, Sybil Capune. She made me fresh orange juice in the These banana cookies are soft, not crispy. They're almost cake-like, or like muffin tops.

Choco Banana Cookies instructions

  1. Mixer margarin, gula halus, & gula palm ±1 menit dg speed rendah. Masukkan pisang, mixer lg..
  2. Masukkan kuning telur, mixer lg..
  3. Masukkan bahan B sambil diayak & diaduk rata dg spatula..
  4. Masukkan bahan C, aduk rata..
  5. Olesi loyang dg margarin, alasi baking paper. Ambil 1 sdt adonan, pipihkan dg garpu. Oven 25 menit suhu 150°C sampai matang (saya pakai otang api sedang ±35 menit)..
  6. Setelah matang, biarkan suhu ruang. Setelah dingin simpan di toples kedap udara..

Banana Cookie is an S-grade Cookie that was released in the end of June in Kakao Cookie Run and end of September in LINE Cookie Run. At a given interval, replaced with monkey. Pass through hula hoops as monkey to get Coins. Step right up to see Banana Cookie's sweet Hula Hoop Show! Try our perfect banana choco chip muffins!