Cara Buat Lezat Choco Banana Bread (moist)

Enak, Lezat, Murah, Sehat

Choco Banana Bread (moist). Chocolate Banana Bread "Each time I make this I am told, 'This is the BEST banana bread EVER', 'This is the moistest banana bread I have ever tasted', 'This bread is amazing!'" - (Mr.) Dana A. Chocolate Chip Banana Bread "Good thing the recipe makes two loaves because the family, myself included, couldn't get enough of this delicious treat!" Homemade moist chocolate banana bread, made with ripe bananas & cocoa. Hey y'all - I am on a serious banana bread recipe kick!

Choco Banana Bread (moist) This banana bread recipe is freaking out of this world. Chocolate Chip Banana Bread This best-ever banana bread can be mixed up in a single bowl with a handful of ingredients likely already in your kitchen. Sweet spotted bananas and brown sugar lend a caramel-like flavor, a smattering of chocolate chips adds interest to every bite, and a special ingredient gives it that ultra-moist texture we all. You can cook Choco Banana Bread (moist) using 13 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Choco Banana Bread (moist)

  1. You need 4-5 of pisang Mateng bgt.
  2. It's 2 btr of telur.
  3. You need 100 gr of unsalted butter.
  4. It's 1 sdt of vanila essence.
  5. It's 1 sdm of plain yougurt.
  6. Prepare of Bahan kering:.
  7. You need 1 cup of terigu (me raising flour).
  8. You need 1/2 cup of brown sugar.
  9. You need 1/2 cup of gula halus.
  10. Prepare 1 sdt of cinnamon (ground).
  11. It's 1 sdt of baking powder.
  12. It's Sejumput of garam.
  13. It's 1 cup of choco chip.

How To Make Chocolate Banana Bread. Place a folded piece of parchment paper in a loaf pan and spray with nonstick spray. This will help remove the loaf later. The secret to super moist banana bread.

Choco Banana Bread (moist) instructions

  1. Siapkan bahan,panaskan oven 175 derajat..
  2. Campur jadi satu bahan kering aduk dgn sptula.lelehkan butter ke dlm microwave..
  3. Haluskan pisang, Lalu campurkan yogurt,telur, mentega cair Dan vanila essence mixer hingga bercampur rata..
  4. Tambahkan bahan kering Dan mixer sampai adonan bercampur Dan nampak smooth. Masukkan chocochip aduk dgn spatula..
  5. Olesi cetakan dgn mentega,beri baking paper dgn agak dilebihin ke dua sisinya tujuannya agar roti mudah diangkat.lalu taburi dgn choco chip(optional boleh pakai topping apa saja ya sesuai selera)..
  6. Lalu panggang ke dalam oven selama 45-50 menit.cek sesekali,tusuk roti dgn tusuk gigi, bila roti tdk lengket pertanda roti sudah matang..

The "secret" to getting moist chocolate chip banana bread is really just a couple simple ingredients. The main two being melted butter and Greek yogurt. Using melted butter, as opposed to room temperature, helps to soaks up all the flour which gives you that smooth texture. Combine the flour, cocoa, baking soda and salt; add to the banana mixture and mix just until combined. Hi there - just want to ask - it was my understanding that dutched cocoa or black cocoa should not be used in recipes calling for baking soda. i recently made a similar double chocolate banana bread recipe, using black cocoa powder and the bake time and/or temp was too short and the texture at the end was overly crumbly (though still moist).