Cara Buat Lezat Banana Cheese Oatmeal Siram Susu

Enak, Lezat, Murah, Sehat

Banana Cheese Oatmeal Siram Susu. This healthy banana oatmeal recipe is one of the easiest and most delicious breakfasts you will ever make! Healthy oatmeal cottage cheese pancakes that taste just like banana bread. Healthy, delicious oatmeal cottage cheese pancakes that taste just like banana bread.

Banana Cheese Oatmeal Siram Susu Shouldn't every banana creation include at least a few little morsels of chocolate goodness? Creamy oatmeal with bananas in a maple syrup/coconut oil glaze. Banana Oatmeal Sheet Cake with Peanut Butter FrostingZag Left. You can cook Banana Cheese Oatmeal Siram Susu using 4 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Banana Cheese Oatmeal Siram Susu

  1. Prepare 1 cup kecil of oatmeal.
  2. Prepare Secukupnya of air putih.
  3. It's Buah of pisang.
  4. You need Secukupnya of susu cair.

Blend oatmeal, protein powder, brown sugar, cinnamon, and baking powder in a blender until fine; dump into a large bowl. Cottage Cheese Banana Oatmeal Protein Pancakes. SayfalarDiğerMarkaİnternet SitesiSağlık ve Sıhhat SitesiMeaningful EatsVideolarCottage Cheese Banana Oatmeal Protein Pancakes. Whip up a batch of these banana oatmeal muffins over the weekend and you will have a hearty grab-and-go breakfast ready for the whole week.

Banana Cheese Oatmeal Siram Susu step by step

  1. Siapkan teplon/kencemg/panci bersih untuk buat adonan. Lalu masukkan oatmil dan secukupnya air, dikit² dulu ya masukin airnya supaya bisa tau seberapa kental kadar kekentalannya. Aduk semuanya sampai rata..
  2. Nyalakan kompor dengan apii kecil, masak adonan sampai matang. Biarkan mendidih sebentar lalu masukkan buah pisang ke dalam adonan, potong² sesuai seleramu. Aduk kembali sampai semuanya menyatu rata..
  3. Cek kekentalan. Setelah semuanya mengental dan kekentalannya sudah di rasa pas sesuai seleramu, matikan api lalu taruh adonan oatmil banana yang sudah matang ke dalam wadah bersih. Beri toping sesukamu deh. Bisa pakai keju, chococip, cococrans dll. Dan terakhir tambahkan secukupnya susu cair (aku pake uht full cream). Sajikan selagi hangat, yummy 😄 selamat mencoba yah 😊.

These banana oat muffins are moist and delicious because of the ripe mashed banana in the batter. Tuangkan dalam mangkuk saji, taruh pisang yang sudah dipotong-potong diatasnya dan berikan granola/kismis di tengahnya, kemudian siram dengan madu sesuai selera dan sajikan. Several years ago this oatmeal combo with banana, chia seeds and pb was my daily breakfast for months on end. Oatmeal is a favorite breakfast food, quick, easy and filling. I came up with this version by using some of the same ingredients from my favorite breakfast smoothie.