Resep: Lezat Pancake oat tanpa telur

Enak, Lezat, Murah, Sehat

Pancake oat tanpa telur. Cocok banget buat yang lagi diet dan bosan makan bubur oatmeal. Dibuat pancake bikin diet jadi semangat :). Cara membuat pancake sehat tanpa tepung.

Pancake oat tanpa telur Di wadah terpisah, campurkan roll oat dan garam. Campurkan buah naga yang sudah diblender tadi ke dalam. Resep dengan petunjuk video: Pancake Oat bercita rasa Indonesia dengan tekstur lembut beraroma pandan dan saus kinca yang nikmat untuk memulai Tambahkan telur, madu, minyak zaitun dan jus pandan lalu aduk kembali hingga tercampur sempurna. You can cook Pancake oat tanpa telur using 7 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Pancake oat tanpa telur

  1. It's 3 buah of pisang Mas ukuran kecil.
  2. You need 7 sdm of oats instan.
  3. It's 8 sdm of susu cair full cream.
  4. Prepare 1 sdt of coklat bubuk.
  5. Prepare 1 tetes of vanila extract (optional).
  6. It's of Topping.
  7. Prepare secukupnya of DCC (optional).

Discover a fun and delicious way to enjoy oats with our easy and delicious Favorite Oatmeal Pancakes recipe made with your favorite Quaker® products. Oat pancakes recipe - Fluffy, delicious & super quick to make oatmeal pancakes. Serve them with any topping of you choice. These oat pancakes are not only quick and easy to make but also taste delicious & are.

Pancake oat tanpa telur step by step

  1. Lembutkan pisang dengan menggunakan garpu sampai halus masukan oat dan susu cair aduk hingga rata..
  2. Saya bagi 2 adonan rasa vanila dan coklat.
  3. Tuang adonan menjadi bulat ke teflon yg sudah dberi mentega masak api kecil sampai matang..
  4. Setelah matang ambil DCC potong menjadi 4 bagian taruh atas pancake yg sudah matang dan masih panas agar coklat larut (tanpa DCC juga enak kok moms) Sajikan selagi hangat..

The Oat Pancake recipe out of our category Pancake! The oat flakes bring plenty of fiber into the dish, which keeps you full for a long time and can lower cholesterol levels. You can prepare these healthy pancakes with other fruit according to the season. Oat flour pancakes are loaded with nutrients, are gluten free and topped with crunchy granola and sweet strawberries for an irresistible breakfast. Oat flour pancakes are not only delicious, they're very easy to make, gluten-free, and easy on the budget!