Cara Masak Lezat Banana pancake with ice cream

Enak, Lezat, Murah, Sehat

Banana pancake with ice cream. Fry the pancakes in a large frying pan, tossing occasionally until they are golden on both sides. As it starts to caramelise, add the bananas, shake around for a few minutes and then add the butter. Combine flour, white sugar, baking powder and salt.

Banana pancake with ice cream You won't miss any of it! There's zero butter or oil in these pancakes too. These light and fluffy pancakes will keep you full and satisfied without all of the fillers. You can cook Banana pancake with ice cream using 15 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Banana pancake with ice cream

  1. Prepare 150 ml of susu cair.
  2. It's 150 gr of tepung terigu.
  3. It's 1 butir of telur utuh.
  4. It's 1 sdt of baking powder.
  5. Prepare 1/4 sdt of garam.
  6. You need 1 sdm of gula (boleh disesuaikan kalo suka manis).
  7. It's 2 sdm of mentega di lelehkan.
  8. It's 5 buah of pisang (bisa disesuaikan dengan selera dan ukuran pisang, kalo saya pake pisang mas).
  9. It's of Topping.
  10. Prepare of Meses.
  11. You need of Keju.
  12. Prepare of Madu.
  13. It's of Pisang.
  14. Prepare of Ice cream.
  15. You need of Kacang mede.

Serve the pancakes while still hot with maple syrup, sliced bananas and confectioners' sugar if desired. I never had banana pancakes till now.i absolutely loved this recipe so much. The refreshingly smooth texture and wide array of flavors make it the ideal warm weather Fried Ice Cream Dessert is one of my favorite desserts ever! There's no deep-frying involved with this version, just a quick pan-fry to make the.

Banana pancake with ice cream instructions

  1. Ulek pisang hingga halus dan pisahkan..
  2. Di wadah terpisah adon semua bahan kecuali pisang hingga rata. Pisang yg sudah di haluskan di masukan terakhir setelah semua adonan halus dan aduk hingga halus.
  3. Panaskan wadah. Kemudian cetak adonan. (Note: wadah yg di gunakan bisa loyang kecil atau cetakan). Penyajian bisa di tambahkan dengan beberapa topping pilihan..

Distribute a rounded tablespoon of bananas on each pancake. In a mixing bowl, crack in the eggs and add in baking powder. These simple Pan-fried Bananas are caramelized in honey and cinnamon for a simple and delicious treat. You can enjoy them as is or pair with ice cream, yogurt, pancakes, french toast, and more! Light And Fluffy Banana Pancakes That Are Simple And So Full Of Flavor.