Cara Siapkan Lezat Banana Cake Super Moist

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Banana Cake Super Moist. Super Moist Banana Cake Recipe Hi Guys, try this Super Moist Banana Cake Recipe, you will love the moist that melt on your mouth, definitely very Yummy. The banana cake was dense, but not heavy. If that makes any sense? (Coming from the lady who talks about rotting bananas at This is absolutely the best banana cake I've ever had!

Banana Cake Super Moist Fail-proof, light, fluffy and you can Then you add the sugar and continue to beat until the mixture is foamy. The little bubbles in the egg and sugar mixture make the cake super moist and light. This Banana Cake is so soft, moist and banana-y! You can have Banana Cake Super Moist using 12 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Banana Cake Super Moist

  1. It's of Bahan A :.
  2. You need 4 butir of kuning telur.
  3. Prepare 2 butir of putih telur.
  4. You need 100 gr of gula pasir (sy 85 gr krn pisangnya sdh manis).
  5. You need 1 sdt of SP.
  6. You need 1 sdt of cake moist (opsional).
  7. Prepare 80 gr of tepung terigu protein sedang.
  8. It's 15 gr of tepung maizena.
  9. It's 27 gr (1 sachet kecil) of dancow) susu bubuk.
  10. You need of Bahan B :.
  11. Prepare 180 gr of margarin.
  12. It's 100 gr of pisang, saya pisang emas.

It's topped with a creamy vanilla buttercream and fresh banana slices. If you love bananas, you'll fall in love with this yummy recipe! I'm pretty sure it's no secret that the hubs and I are big banana fans. Moist Banana Cake - ridiculously moist, fluffy and full of wonderful flavors.

Banana Cake Super Moist step by step

  1. Kupas pisang lalu baru ditimbang. Haluskan pisang menggunakan garpu. Siapkan semua bahan. Lalu panaskan margarin, sisihkan biar dingin seperti suhu ruang sebelum digunakan..
  2. Kocok semua Bahan A hingga mengembang putih pucat..
  3. Masukkan bahan B, dimulai dari margarin dulu, kocok asal rata. Lalu masukkan pisang. Mixer hingga tercampur rata kembali..
  4. Panaskan dengan panas bawah 180 dercel. Tuang adonan ke dalam cetakan yang telah diolesi margarin. (Saya bagi 2 loyang kecil). Oven selama 15 menit dengan api bawah lalu 5 menit dengan api atas bawah. Sesuaikan oven masing2 ya.
  5. Setelah matang keluarkan dari oven, beri toping sesuai selera. Sajikan. Potongannya lembutt sekali.

Super easy, stick-to-the-back of your fork moist and sweet but not overpowering! I have been on a quest for an excellent banana cake recipe; one that is light, moist and can be whipped up in less than no time. Moist Banana Cake that's good for breakfast or an afternoon pick-me-up. Grab a cup of coffee and dig in! Let me start by saying I hate the word moist.